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Back-to-School Tips to Ace Your Next Dental Exam

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — highlandsmiles @ 12:34 am
teen in school hallway holding books

August is here, so the first day of school is right around the corner! You might be busy preparing for your return to the classroom. However, don’t forget to prioritize your oral health amid all the hustle and bustle this season brings! With a busier schedule, it’s easy for consistent dental care to get lost in the mix. Read on for a few back-to-school tips from your dentist in Highland Park that’ll help you ace your next dental exam.

Eat Healthy Foods and Drinks

It’s no secret that sugar can wreak havoc on your teeth. Snacks like crackers, cookies, and granola bars are easy to stash in your backpack, but the added sugars can increase your risk of cavities, decay, and even gum disease. To keep your mouth healthy, consider packing tooth-friendly foods like nuts, cheese, and plain yogurt! They benefit your oral and bodily health.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is truly one of the best drinks for your overall health! Instead of stocking up on juice boxes, sports drinks, and soda, consider using a refillable water bottle and keep it with you at all times. It’s perfect for rinsing leftover food particles and other debris from your mouth, lowering your chances of cavities, decay, and other dental problems.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum After Meals

Do you have time to brush your teeth after lunch? If not, no worries, just chew sugar-free gum! It stimulates saliva production, a natural cleansing agent your mouth produces that helps wash away residual food and its byproducts. Although brushing is certainly ideal, chewing sugar-free gum is a great alternative that can even freshen your breath!

Establish a Routine

Daily routines might seem mundane, but they actually have a myriad of benefits! They lower anxiety, reduce stress, and encourage healthy habits. So, be sure to brush and floss your teeth at the same time every day until it becomes second nature. Set reminders on your phone to clean your teeth every morning before school and each night right before bed. Eventually, you won’t need them anymore!

Ask Your Dentist About Sealants

If you’re prone to cavities, ask your dentist about dental sealants. It’s an affordable and effective procedure that can prevent up to 80 percent of cavities within the first two years of application. Plus, some schools participate in sealant programs where the dentist goes to you!

Schedule a Dental Checkup

Ideally, you should be seeing your dentist twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings. Most dental offices are busiest at the beginning of the school year, so consider scheduling an appointment when healthcare policies renew (typically in December and January).

Are you ready to pass all your tests with flying colors this school year? Review these tips from your dentist in Highland Park so your next dental exam will be a breeze!

About the Author

Dr. Girish Sandadi planned to be a medical doctor at first, but he was soon drawn to dentistry because he enjoyed the challenge of replicating the size, shape, and appearance of teeth while also making sure they functioned well. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Michigan. A married father of two, Dr. Sandadi loves cooking, reading, and painting with his family. If you or your child needs a checkup and cleaning, expect little to no wait times, and insurance is accepted. Schedule an appointment on his website or call (214) 528-9990.

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