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5 Important Things Your Dentist Does During Your Biannual Checkup

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — highlandsmiles @ 11:26 pm
Patient visiting the dentist for a checkup.

When it comes to maintaining a happy and healthy smile, regularly visiting your dentist is key! However, these routine visits are for much more than merely cleaning your teeth; your dentist does quite a bit while you’re sitting in the chair! Keep reading to learn more from your dentist in Highland Park about what goes on during these visits and why they’re necessary for ensuring optimal oral health.

1. Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer is among the deadliest types of cancer—but it’s also one of the most preventable, thanks to efforts made by your dentist! Some signs of oral cancer are obvious, such as painful sores and swelling that doesn’t relent. Other signs are much more subtle, and your dentist will need to perform a thorough examination of your lips, head, neck, tongue, and mouth tissues to ensure there’s nothing worrisome. Every six months during your biannual visit, your dentist will look for any abnormalities within the mouth or symptoms that could possibly lead to oral cancer.

2. Examining Your Tongue, Throat, and Mouth Anatomy

Your oral health consists of more than just your teeth and gums; your tongue, throat, tonsils, and the rest of your mouth’s anatomy need to be assessed and evaluated too! After checking each of your teeth with a small mirror and dental explorer, they’ll move on to inspect other oral structures. The throat and tonsils, in particular, can often tell a lot about any health concerns present in the body. They’ll also check your gums for signs of gum disease, which if left untreated, can completely obliterate your gum and bone tissue.

3. Checking Your Salivary Glands

Your mouth’s saliva is your first line of defense against cavity-causing bacteria, so your dentist will also ensure that your salivary glands are producing an adequate amount of saliva. Saliva coats your mouth, keeping it moist and helping to wash away bacteria and food debris that remains lingering after eating. Without enough saliva, your smile is quite prone to cavities, gum disease, and foul breath!

4. Assessing Your Bite Pattern

The alignment of your bite is important for a couple of reasons; not only does it ensure that your smile looks natural, but it also contributes towards its functionality. If your bite is misaligned, you might experience difficulty chewing and grinding your food, which can have negative implications for your overall nutrition. If your teeth have moved recently, your dentist might suggest the use of orthodontics to correct your bite pattern.

5. Establishing A Healthy Foundation

Of course, the primary reason for visiting your dentist twice a year is the good it will do for your smile moving forward. Not only will your dentist clean and inspect your mouth, but they can help you establish oral hygiene habits that will carry into the future. Whether it’s a proper brushing technique, a step-by-step lesson over how to floss, or simply explaining the importance of hygiene, biannual dental checkups lay the foundation for a lifetime of oral wellness.

Biannual dental visits are so much more than ordinary cleanings—your dentist will have their hands full ensuring that your mouth is in tiptop shape!

About the Author

The team at Highland Smiles Dental is proud to serve the dental needs of the Dallas, TX area under the leadership of Dr. Girish Sandadi. Dr. Sandadi received his DDS from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and is an active member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association and the Texas Dental Association. If you have any questions about the article or would like to schedule a visit, you can contact Dr. Sandadi through his practice’s website or over the phone for assistance: (214) 528-9990.

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